
Photo: Innovationsfonden
20 FEB

Cars to report on road condition

Leveraging modern car technology to continuously collect road data may help produce real-time digital images of road maintenance needs.

Mapping and surveying Data analysis Sensors Mathematical modelling Mobility
DTU Kemi - Gymnasiebesøg
16 JAN

Besøg fra Espergærde Gymnasium

180 gymnasieelever fra Espergærde har netop besøgt DTU i en stort tilrettelagt studieretningsdag. DTU Kemi var arrangør og tovholder på dagen, hvor fire DTU-institutter...

Chemistry Mathematics Physics IT and cyber security Climate and nature
20 MAY

Videnskab serveret på et sommerligt sølvfad

Virkelighed og videnskab forenes, når Science in the City indtager hovedstaden i juni måned. Her kan nysgerrighed på fremtidens teknologiske løsninger afprøves ved flere...

Marine research Biotechnology Energy and supply Environment and pollution Physics Construction and mechanics Transport and logistics Health technology Wind energy

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